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Changes - String Octets
Ottorino Respighi, George Enescu, Theo Loevendie


Changes - String Octets

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917200010
Catnr: CC 720001
Release date: 24 January 2025
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 720001
Release date
24 January 2025

"Admirably played. 4 stars."

BBC Music Magazine, 01-4-2025

About the album

It is the year 1900: the new century has just started when two young composers independently from each other publish new additions to the string octet literature. The Romanian George Enescu at the tender age of eighteen already has gathered more musical experience than most musicians twice his age. As a composer he sets himself a complex and daunting task: his octet is in four movements, yet played together they reveal a sonata form (a structure applied to the first movements of some famous symphonies), consisting of an exposition, a development and a recapitulation. The sonata form with its statements and contrasting statements is like a dramatic monologue with arguments and counter-arguments: the young Enescu, with his formal experiment, brings fragments of his Romanian background and Viennese and French musical upbringing together into a unity and thus draws us into his inner world.
In contrast, the twenty-one year old Ottorino Respighi rather goes the other way: he becomes the observer, the filmmaker with the dramatic flair of capturing beautiful images in music, just as he would later do with equal conviction in works like Pini di Roma or Feste romane.
Wir schreiben das Jahr 1900: Das neue Jahrhundert hat gerade begonnen, als zwei junge Komponisten unabhängig voneinander neue Werke für die Streichoktett-Literatur veröffentlichen. Der Rumäne George Enescu hat im zarten Alter von achtzehn Jahren bereits mehr musikalische Erfahrung gesammelt als die meisten Musiker, die doppelt so alt sind wie er. Als Komponist stellt er sich einer komplexen und anspruchsvollen Aufgabe: Sein Oktett besteht aus vier Sätzen, die zusammen eine Sonatenform ergeben (eine Struktur, die auf die ersten Sätze einiger berühmter Symphonien angewendet wird), die aus einer Exposition, einer Durchführung und einer Reprise besteht. Die Sonatenform mit ihren Aussagen und gegensätzlichen Aussagen ist wie ein dramatischer Monolog mit Argumenten und Gegenargumenten: Der junge Enescu bringt mit seinem formalen Experiment Fragmente seines rumänischen Hintergrunds und seiner musikalischen Ausbildung in Wien und Frankreich zu einer Einheit zusammen und zieht uns so in seine innere Welt.
Der 21-jährige Ottorino Respighi hingegen geht eher den umgekehrten Weg: Er wird zum Beobachter, zum Filmemacher mit dem dramatischen Gespür, schöne Bilder in Musik einzufangen, so wie er es später mit gleicher Überzeugung in Werken wie Pini di Roma oder Feste romane tun würde.



The Netherlands’ very first permanent string octet began to capture audiences in 2016 after its founders, violist Francien Schatborn and former leader Ronald Hoogeveen, invited six of their string-playing friends from the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra to join them. Since its recent inception, Roctet (short for Radio String Octet) has given many exciting concerts in numerous series and live performances on Dutch Radio 4. A string octet is a rather rare combination of instruments – usually the product of two existing quartets or eight soloists who have come together to form an ad hoc ensemble. Inspired by the ethos of the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Roctet’s aim is both to perform existing repertoire and to seek out adventurous collaborations with leading composers...
The Netherlands’ very first permanent string octet began to capture audiences in 2016 after its founders, violist Francien Schatborn and former leader Ronald Hoogeveen, invited six of their string-playing friends from the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra to join them.
Since its recent inception, Roctet (short for Radio String Octet) has given many exciting concerts in numerous series and live performances on Dutch Radio 4. A string octet is a rather rare combination of instruments – usually the product of two existing quartets or eight soloists who have come together to form an ad hoc ensemble.
Inspired by the ethos of the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Roctet’s aim is both to perform existing repertoire and to seek out adventurous collaborations with leading composers of our time.
Members of Roctet: Joris van Rijn & Dimiter Tchernookov | violin Julija Hartig & Masha Iakovleva violin | Francien Schatborn & Frank Brakkee viola Eveline Kraayenhof & Anneke Janssen cello


Ottorino Respighi

Ottorino Respighi was an Italian composer from the first half of 20th Century. After his studies in Bologna (violin, viola and composition) he moved to St. Petersburg where played for several years for the Imperial Opera. There he also met Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, who became his mentor in composition and orchestration.  From 1903 until 1908 he played viola in the Mugellini quintet in Bologna. In 1908, he stayed in Berlin for a short period to study under Max Bruch. In 1913, he became a teacher himself at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome, of which he became its director in 1924. Two years later, he already left the position to be able to dedicate himself completely to composing.  While Respighi did compose...

Ottorino Respighi was an Italian composer from the first half of 20th Century. After his studies in Bologna (violin, viola and composition) he moved to St. Petersburg where played for several years for the Imperial Opera. There he also met Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, who became his mentor in composition and orchestration. From 1903 until 1908 he played viola in the Mugellini quintet in Bologna. In 1908, he stayed in Berlin for a short period to study under Max Bruch. In 1913, he became a teacher himself at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome, of which he became its director in 1924. Two years later, he already left the position to be able to dedicate himself completely to composing. While Respighi did compose nine operas, he is mostly known for his instrumental works. In particular his orchestral triptych of symphonic poems, Fontane di Roma, Pini di Roma and Feste Romane (also known as the Roman Trilogy) became quite famous. His style was a continuation of the French impressionism, and of Rimsky-Korsakov's technique. He also applied early composition techniques by applying melodies from early lute music (Antiche arie e danze per liuto) or harpsichordpieces from the Baroque era (Gli uccelli).



Admirably played. 4 stars.
BBC Music Magazine, 01-4-2025

It begins with almost cinematic, evocative music in a beautifully colorful piece: the Doppio Quartetto in D from 1900 by the then 21-year-old Ottorino Respighi. The piece concludes with a lively, dance-like Presto all’Ungherese. With the improvisational Changes by the indefatigable 94-year-old Theo Loevendie, composed for the ensemble in 2024, Roctet fulfills part of its mission to also promote contemporary string octets. 9 out of 10.
Luister, 14-3-2025

Roctet give a terrific performance of the Enescu. Their collective sound is on the lean side, which allows for exceptional transparency in such richly intricate music (...)
Gramophone, 01-3-2025

All instruments play the leading role in Roctet. It feels like watching a play and getting to know eight different characters thoroughly in just forty minutes. The work gets under your skin, causing the music to move you to tears several times, without the listener understanding exactly why. A little bit of magic  
Het Parool, 14-2-2025

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